‘My name is Alisha, I’m 17 years old and I’m working for Bradbury while I study for an NVQ Level 2 in Business Administration!
When I left school in 2015, I went on to study Law, Sociology and Religious Studies at college. After a short while, I came to the conclusion that this route wasn’t for me, so I spoke to a career advisor and decided to look for jobs. I have worked in a few different fields, but out of all of them, business administration appealed to me the most.
After my interview, I came for a trial and really enjoyed the afternoon. The people at Bradbury’s are all incredibly welcoming and friendly, so when I was offered the role I was overjoyed to start my journey within the company! Since I started, my communication skills have vastly improved, and my confidence has come on in leaps and bounds! I developed my IT skills, and I am learning new things every day. I also ran a Bradbury fundraiser for Christmas Jumper Day and donated all the proceeds to Save the Children. I am really looking forward to a future within this role, and taking as many opportunities as I can within the company!’