Bradbury Group is pleased to announce that its entire range of security certified doors have achieved external fire CE Certification, including its Security Rated 4 (SR4) doors.
Each of the LPCB LPS 1175 certified doorsets have achieved this status, making the group one of the UK’s first to achieve both security and fire certification on external steel doors. The doorsets were tested by independent certification body Efectis, and the accreditation covers the performance of the product in relation to its resistance to fire, smoke control, and self-closing & release ability.
The Grenfell Tower fire in 2017 had far reaching consequences for the construction sector. Since the tragedy, regulations have become much more stringent, with more of a focus on ensuring companies comply. Whilst steel doors have been tested for fire integrity for many years, there has been an increasing emphasis on ensuring security doors also come with fire protection.
This latest step for the group means their M2M2, M2M3 and M2M4 product ranges are available as external fire doors with CE certification, providing security protection up to Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) Loss Prevention Standard (LPS) 1175 SR4.
The range of CE approved products include single, leaf and a half, and double doors, available with inward or outward opening. The doors are manufactured to include security hardware and escape bars, and can provide fire integrity up to 240 minutes, depending on the choice of door.
“We are excited to have achieved this certification for our doorsets” says Anil Patel, Group Sales and Marketing Director. “As one of the first physical security manufacturers to have achieved this on our full range, we can now provide our customers with bespoke external doors, offering added valuable through both building security and fire protection. Whilst the current range has restrictions on design and hardware, we are working on expanding our range to include vision, side and over panels.”
CE certification is compulsory for all external fire doors in the UK and Europe. This was effective from the 1st November 2019 making it a legal requirement as part of European building regulations, that all external rated doorsets are CE marked to EN 16034 and BS EN 14351-1. Doors covered under this standard, must by law carry a certificate proving its conformance to both standards.
The next phase for the group is to ensure accreditation to UKCA. Andy Edser, Group Engineering Director commented “In January 2023, it will be a legal requirement for doors to achieve UKCA certification if being sold and installed in the United Kingdom. We are working hard with the accreditation body to ensure we have this in place for our external fire and security doors by the end of the year.”