Building the Future of Engineering and Technology

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Bradbury representatives were delighted to attend the grand opening of North Lindsey College‘s new multi-million pound Engineering Technology Centre. We were especially excited as, in recognition of our standing as a leading local employer and our close partnership with the college, NLC had named their brand new IT CAD/CAM suite in honour of our company. The college put on a great event with Terry Scuoler (CEO of the EEF) leading the speeches before we embarked on a tour of the new facilities.

The centre, at the college’s Kingsway site, is part of a £13 million investment to provide training for engineering, advanced manufacturing, motor vehicle engineering and fabrication and welding. Developing skills is a pivotal part of driving industry in the Humber region, and the outstanding support and facilities on offer at NLC should go a long way towards providing the area with the next generation of STEM graduates. Bradbury runs an Engineering Academy in conjunction with the college, combining workplace based learning with a funded NVQ Level 3 in Engineering.