During the March Business update, Bradbury Group launched a new initiative; celebrating our star performers.
The scheme was launched with the recognition of Mathew Benson, Bradbury Group’s Paintline Supervisor, who was nominated by his line manager for his commitment to the recent Lean manufacturing project.
Above and beyond
Mathew has been recognised due to his unwavering commitment to the recently introduced Lean project. He has been a champion of the scheme, promoting involvement, improving the paintline area productivity and most recently, presenting the project and outcomes to the Board of Directors.
“Not only has Mathew been a Lean Champion, his ongoing commitment to maintaining Health and Safety and improving quality is noticeable by all” commented Paul Avison, Head of Production. “Along with his team, Mathew has increased the overall productivity of the paintline to well over 80%, a significant increase and a great step as we move towards increasing our production levels. Well done Mathew!”
Recognising our people
The scheme recognises any employee throughout the business, who is going above and beyond their daily roles. Nominations are accepted from anybody, and the employees are selected by the leadership team, and winners presented with a £50 gift voucher, alongside internal and external recognition.
“It is important that we recognise our employees” says Chantelle Devine, Head of People. “We have so many examples of individuals who go the extra mile, and employees who show their passion and commitment daily. Bradbury Stars is an opportunity to praise and show our appreciation for those employees.”
Well done Mathew! A worthy winner as a Bradbury Star!