Youth Engineering is a charity established by Bradbury Group Chairman, Tim Strawson, to provide employment opportunities for young people from the Scunthorpe area. As a not-for-profit business, YES provides the training, experience and support for young people to enable them to enter the labour market whilst helping them to study for an NVQ.
YES includes a state of the art laser cutting machine as well as press brakes, rolling mills, welding booths and powder coating facility. The laser cutting machine can handle steel, stainless steel and aluminium components and although best suited to high volume orders, offers flexibility for shorter product runs. An experienced factory manager, engineering and production operatives ensure consistent high quality products and close supervision for trainees.
Trainees receive tailor-made training and in their own time are supported back into the labour market. This provides local employers with a ready source of fully trained operatives with engineering skills and proven track record. Youth Engineering have provided the area with a viable alternative to importing components from China, offering greater flexibility and better lead times with the added benefit of giving back to the local community.
Five trainees from YES have now progressed into full-time employment. The next recruitment drive will begin in August so if you are interested in finding out more about the scheme, please email